A Tribe Called Quest – The Low End Theory

JiveSKU: 19658884871

販売価格¥5,680 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 2LP
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1991年にリリースされたA Tribe Called Questの『The Low End Theory』は、彼らをヒップホップ界の伝説として確立させた画期的なアルバムだ。ジャズを取り入れたデビュー作をさらに進化させ、Ron Carterのベースが光る『Verses from the Abstract』など、洗練されたグルーヴと巧みなサンプリングが特徴。DJ Ali Shaheed Muhammadのミニマルなプロダクションにより、Q-TipとPhife Dawgの卓越したリリックが際立ち、『Butter』や『The Infamous Date Rape』ではミソジニーに、『Rap Promoter』や『Show Business』では音楽業界への批判を展開する。『Check The Rhime』や『Jazz (We've Got)』といった名曲が揃い、Leaders of the New Schoolを迎えた『Scenario』で幕を閉じるこのアルバムは、後のKendrick LamarやOutkastなどに影響を与えた。時代を超えて新鮮さを保ち、ヒップホップ史上最高の作品の一つとされる。


A1. Excursions
A2. Buggin' Out
A3. Rap Promoter
A4. Butter
B1. Verses From The Abstract
B2. Show Business
B3. Vibes And Stuff
C1. The Infamous Date Rape
C2. Check The Rhime
C3. Everything Is Fair
D1. Jazz (We've Got)
D2. Skypager
D3. What?
D4. Scenario


In 1991, A Tribe Called Quest released The Low End Theory, a groundbreaking album that solidified their status as hip-hop legends. Building on the jazz-infused sound of their debut, the album featured sparse grooves and expertly chosen bass samples, with jazz bassist Ron Carter contributing to 'Verses from the Abstract.' DJ Ali Shaheed Muhammad's minimalistic approach allowed Q-Tip and Phife Dawg's lyrical prowess to shine, showcasing their clever wordplay, humor, and social commentary. Tracks like 'Butter' and 'The Infamous Date Rape' addressed misogyny, while 'Rap Promoter' and 'Show Business' critiqued the music industry. The album's production is consistently smooth, with standout tracks such as 'Check The Rhime' and 'Jazz (We've Got).' The posse cut 'Scenario,' featuring Leaders of the New School, is a legendary closer. The album's influence on hip-hop is undeniable, inspiring future artists like Kendrick Lamar and Outkast. The Low End Theory remains relevant and refreshing, a testament to Tribe's creativity and unflappable style. It's a masterful blend of thought-provoking lyrics and impeccable production, making it one of the greatest hip-hop albums of all time.



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