Far Out Recordingsが1975年のEmilio Santiagoのデビューアルバムを再発。ブラジルのボサノヴァの巨星で、「ブラジルのナット・キング・コール」と称されるSantiagoは、ボサノヴァのバラードからファンク、ソウル、ブギーまで幅広くこなす。アルバムのオープナー「Bananeira」はJoao DonatoとGilberto Gilの曲をパーティー向けにアレンジし、「Brother」はグルーヴ感溢れるホーンと大編成のコーラスが特徴、さらに「La Mulata」はソウルフルなサルサステップ。CIDレーベルからのオリジナル盤で、Jorge BenやMarcos Valle、Ivan Linsなどへのオマージュも含む。João Donato、Wilson das Neves、Ivan ‘Mamão’ Conti、Paulinhoら豪華なメンバーが参加。
A1. Bananeira
A2. Quero Alegria
A3. Porque Somos Iguais
A4. Batendo A Porta
A5. Depois
B1. Brother
B2. La Mulata
B3. Nega Dina
B4. Doa A Quem Doer
B5. Sessão Das 10
Far Out Recordings proudly presents the 1975 self-titled debut album from Brazilian vocalist and bossa nova luminary Emílio Santiago . Nicknamed ‘the Nat King Cole of Brazil’, Santiago was a master bossa balladeer and a top-class crooner. But he is known equally for his Brazilian funk, soul and boogie classics. One of his best know is album opener ‘Bananeira’, a party-starting version of the song originally written by Joao Donato and Gilberto Gil. ‘Brother’ is a smooth-grooving killer with great horn arrangements and a huge backing choir, while ‘La Mulata’ is a soulful, swinging salsa stepper.
Originally released on the CID label, the album showcases the full range of Emilio’s talents, while paying homage to some of Brazil’s greatest composers, including Jorge Ben, Marcos and Sergio Valle and Ivan Lins among others.
The credits on the album are a ‘who’s who’ of Brazil’s greats, with João Donato on keys, Wilson das Neves, Ivan ‘Mamão’ Conti and Paulinho on drums, Durval Ferreira, Carlos Roberto Rocha and Helio Delmiro on guitar, Ariovaldo, Orlandivo, and Chacal on percussion, Danilo Caymmi on flute, a brass section featuring Victor Assis Brasil, Edson Maciel and Jesse Sadoc, and backing vocals from Jaime and Nair, Lúcia Lins, Jurema and Marcio Lott.