Bartosz Kruczyński, who is also known as Earth Trax and The Phantom and is one half of the duo Ptaki, known for releases from The Very Polish Cut-Outs and People Must Jam, will release an album from Growing Bin, a popular label led by Basso! This is the sequel to the popular "Baltic Beat", and it's a superb ambient-New Age sound woven with harsh percussion, guitar, piano, and more!
A1Pastoral Sequences5:35
A2 In The Garden4:53
A3 Petals 4:13
B1If You Go Down In The Woods Today5:50
B2The Orchard4:40
B3Along The Sun-Drenched Road15:41
B4Along The Sun-Drenched Road23:24
A1Pastoral Sequences5:35
A2 In The Garden4:53
A3 Petals 4:13
B1If You Go Down In The Woods Today5:50
B2The Orchard4:40
B3Along The Sun-Drenched Road15:41
B4Along The Sun-Drenched Road23:24