Earl YoungやDon Renaldoが参加!1975年に500枚限定でリリースされたが、音質問題で広まらなかった。Soul Junctionがこの2曲をリマスターし、未発表ミックスを加えた3トラックEPとして復刻!
Alice Taylorは、1970年代初頭から中期にかけてのフィリー・ソウルブームの中で、The Delfonicsなど地元フィラデルフィアのグループのバックボーカルを務めた人気セッションシンガー。1974年、プロデューサーのEmanuel ‘Manny’ Campbell Jrと、作曲家Charles R. Bowenの協力のもと、ペンシルベニア州Upper DarbyにあるSound Room Studiosで自身のセッションを録音。このセッションで生まれたのが、ポップソウル風の「(I’m In Love With A) Rock ‘n’ Roll Singin’ Superstar」と、夢ばかり見て現実の仕事をしない男の子に恋するテーマの「Sounds Ridiculous」の2曲だ。前者はAliceのボーカルが光るキャッチーな一曲で、後者は70年代のクロスオーバーソウルファンに響く優れたレコード。
Aliceのセッションには、フィラデルフィアのトップミュージシャンが参加しており、特に注目すべきは、ディスコ時代に広く使われたハイハットシンバルスタイルを確立したドラマー、Earl Young。YoungはThe VolcanosやThe Trammpsで活躍し、数々のヒットを生み出した。また、セッションのストリングスとホーンアレンジは、MFSBのメンバーであるDon Renaldoが担当。
1975年11月にリリースされたこのシングル「(I’m In Love With A) Rock ’n’ Roll Superstar/Sounds Ridiculous」は、プロモーション用に500枚のみプレスされたが、音質に問題があり、ラジオでの放送には苦戦した。Stage-Artレーベルの最後のリリースとなったこのシングルは、長い間忘れられていたが、Soul Junctionがリマスターし、新たに未発表の別ミックスも加えた3トラックEPとして復活。この貴重な楽曲を今こそ手に入れてほしい。
A1. Sounds Ridiculous
B1. (I’m In Love With A) Rock ‘n’ Roll Singin’ Superstar”
B2. (I’m In Love with A) Rock ‘n’ Roll Singin’ Superstar” (Previously Unissued Alternative Mix)
Alice Taylor was a popular session singer who sang background vocals for several local Philly groups including The Delfonics during the height of the Philly Soul boom of the early to mid-1970’s.
In 1974 Alice under the auspice of producer Emanuel ‘Manny’ Campbell Jr and fellow Philadelphian musician/composer Charles R. Bowen entered the famed Sound Room Studios in Upper Dardy PA, to record a session of her own. This session yielded two songs. The more commercial pop soul orientated “(I’m In Love With A) Rock ‘n’ Roll Singin’ Superstar”. A song which took influences from other popular songs of the time that mentioned one’s love for Rock ‘n’ Roll singers and taking road trips to L.A (Los Angeles) in an attempt to cash in. Although the elongated song title may at first be a tad off-putting the recording showcases Alice’s vocal talents to the full and in itself is a very good record. The second song “Sounds Ridiculous” is based around the theme of a girl falling in love with a guy who spends most of his time daydreaming rather than getting a regular 9-5 job. An excellent record that should find favour with 70’s/crossover soul fans alike.
Manny Campbell Jr used some of Philadelphia’s finest musicians on Alice’s session, notably session drummer Earl Young, reputedly the first exponent of the hi-hat cymbal a style of drumming used extensively throughout the disco period. Young had honed his skills during the 1960’s with his band The Volcanos, recording sessions for the Arctic and Harthon Record Labels. The Volcanos later became The Moods before morphing into The Trammps who Young recorded on his Golden Fleece Label with the group recording several further disco hits for Buddah Records prior to their worldwide hit “Disco Inferno” for Atlantic Records. Young’s strumming can be found on many other Philadelphia International, Sal Soul and MFSB recordings. The string and horn arrangements on the session were provided by another MFSB (Mother Father Sister Brother) pool of musician’s member, Don Renaldo.
“I’m In Love With A) Rock ’n’ Roll Superstar/Sounds Ridiculous” came out in November of 1975 as an initial pressing run of 500 copies for promotional use which sadly were not of the best quality with some background noise being present in the introduction on both sides of the single, a possible detrimental factor in the release gaining any significant airplay. It’s was the second and final release on Emandolynn Music’s short lived, Stage-Art label. The first release being another of Manny Campbell’s acts The Nu-Rons & Co “Disco Hustle/Can’t Do Enough Girl” (Stage-Art 1001). Sadly, Alice Taylor passed away sometime during the 1980’s. Soul Junction through its ongoing relationship with Emandolynn Music have taken the opportunity to license these now very sort after Alice Taylor songs, which have been remastered to remove the aforementioned sound problems present on the original release. Which are now presented to you as a 3 track EP which also includes a previously unissued alternative mix of “(I’m In Love With A) Rock ’n’ Roll Singin’ Superstar, a recent master tape discovery.