【再入荷!】Larry Levanがリミックスを手掛けた作品ばかりを集めたコンピレーションCDシリーズの第4弾!Gwen Guthrie やCentral Line 、The Joubert Singers、NYC Peech Boys等!

1. Gwen Guthrie - Peanut Butter
2. Central Line - Don't Tell Me
3. Instant Funk - Crying
4. The Joubert Singers - Stand On The Word
5. Logg - I Know You Will
6. NYC Peech Boys - Stay With Me
7. Soarque - Let's Go Dancin'
8. Sylvester - Somebody New (Larry Levan dub)
9. Taana Gardner - No Frills

1. Gwen Guthrie - Peanut Butter

2. Central Line - Don't Tell Me

3. Instant Funk - Crying

4. The Joubert Singers - Stand On The Word

5. Logg - I Know You Will

6. NYC Peech Boys - Stay With Me

7. Soarque - Let's Go Dancin'

8. Sylvester - Somebody New (Larry Levan dub)

9. Taana Gardner - No Frills
