VICTOR SIMONELLI主宰のBASSLINEレーベルが過去の音源をコンパイルした12インチ・シリーズの第5弾!B面に収録されているシルキーな男性ヴォーカル・ハウス「Given You A Good Thing」がオススメ!

A1 Peace Ft. Lee Genesis – Power To The People (Joey Musapha Gospel Anthem Mix)
A2 Global Mind Ft. Desy Moore – I Can’t Fight It (V.S. Dub Mix)
B1 Strive Fot Jive Ft. Javier Perez – Given You A Good Thing (Club Mix)
B2 Elation Ft. George Eleizer – Be My Heaven (Jp Alcatraz Dub Mix)

A1 Peace Ft. Lee Genesis – Power To The People (Joey Musapha Gospel Anthem Mix)
A2 Global Mind Ft. Desy Moore – I Can’t Fight It (V.S. Dub Mix)
B1 Strive Fot Jive Ft. Javier Perez – Given You A Good Thing (Club Mix)
B2 Elation Ft. George Eleizer – Be My Heaven (Jp Alcatraz Dub Mix)