【強力盤!】数多くの作品で素晴らしいヴォーカルを披露しているMONIQUE BINGHAMがシングルをリリース!彼女自身とDENNIS FERRERによる共作で、しかもリミキサーにはJON CUTLERやRALF GUMといったメンツが並ぶ豪華な作品!リズミカルなピアノや渋いサックスが印象的なトラックに伸びやかなヴォーカルがグッド!

A1:You.Me.World (Original Mix) 5:41 [written by Monique Bingham & Dennis Ferrer]
A2:You.Me.World (Distant Music Mix) 6:34 [Remixed by Jon Cutler]
A3:You.Me.World (DJ Christos Deep Mix) 5:57
B1:You.Me.World (Gogo Mix) 7:36 [Remixed by Ralf Gum and Michael "Nivalito" Ehnes]
B2:You.Me.World (Soulside Up Mix) 8:02 [Remixed by Leighton Moody]

A1:You.Me.World (Original Mix) 5:41 [written by Monique Bingham & Dennis Ferrer]
A2:You.Me.World (Distant Music Mix) 6:34 [Remixed by Jon Cutler]
A3:You.Me.World (DJ Christos Deep Mix) 5:57
B1:You.Me.World (Gogo Mix) 7:36 [Remixed by Ralf Gum and Michael "Nivalito" Ehnes]
B2:You.Me.World (Soulside Up Mix) 8:02 [Remixed by Leighton Moody]