A Trifle Too Far – Catch Your Ear / Meringueatang

販売価格¥2,810 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
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アシッド・ハウスが花開いた80年代後半、A Trifle Too Farはロンドン郊外のエセックスで幼馴染のSimon WardとTony Grimleyによって結成された。新しいサウンドを求める彼らの飽くなき探求心は、多くのパーティやレイヴへの参加を経て、自身のダンスフロアでの冒険を音楽として形にするきっかけとなった。

その結果生まれたのが『Catch Your Ear / Meringueatang』という珠玉の2曲。この1992年録音の作品は、進歩的でフレッシュなプログレッシヴ・ハウスのカットとして30年以上経った今でも新鮮で希少価値の高い一枚だ。『Catch Your Ear』はエセックスを拠点とするStrategy RecordsのEvren Omerが手がけ、もう一方の『Meringueatang』はM&MやAcorn Artsの一員であるMatt Claydenがプロデュース。エセックスのアンダーグラウンドシーンの重要な存在であるX-Gate Recordsから生まれた。

このリリースは二人にとって唯一のコラボレーションだったが、Mint Conditionのリイシュー提案に驚きと喜びを持って応えた結果、今回の再発が実現。Keith Tenniswoodによるマスタリングとカッティングで復活したこの作品は、MCリイシュープロジェクトのハイライトともいえる存在だ。

A. Catch Your Ear
B. Meringueatang

Mint Condition - A record label focused on excavating the outer fringes of classic House and Techno. Unreleased mixes, classics, overlooked gems and never heard before material, mined from the last 30+ years of contemporary dance music are the order of the day. From Chicago, Detroit and New York to London, Nottingham and beyond. Mint Condition have got their digging hats on to bring you exclusive heat and those rarer than rare jams that have been in your wants list for years. Dig in!

Forged in the fertile acid house scene of the late 80s, A Trifle Too Far comprises childhood friends Simon Ward and Tony Grimley from Hornchurch, on London's outer fringes in Essex. Their insatiable thirst for seeking out new sounds led them to countless shindigs, parties and raves, eventually inspiring them to craft their own music based on their adventures on the dancefloor.

Their studio collaboration culminated in the creation of the remarkable record you currently hold in your hands: 'Catch Your Ear / Meringueatang'. This two-track release, recorded in 1992, offers forward-thinking and fresh prog-house cuts, as rare as hen's teeth and as exhilarating as they were upon their original release over three decades ago. Catch Your Ear was expertly engineered by Evren Omer, boss of Essex-based techno bunker Strategy Records, while Meringueatang was helmed by Matt Clayden, one half of M&M and Acorn Arts and the proprietor of X-Gate Records, another stalwart in Essex's underground dance scene.

'Catch Your Ear / Meringueatang' remains the only musical collaboration between the duo. When Mint Condition approached them to reissue this highly sought-after EP, both Simon and Tony were surprised and delighted in equal measure by the proposition. Now, a few months down the line, we find ourselves with yet another top-tier addition to the MC reissue catalogue, fully licensed from the artists, mastered and cut by Keith Tenniswood at Curve Pusher, and available once again for purchase. Do not resist the beat!

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