マンチェスターのプロデューサーDave Ballによる注目盤!彼の自主レーベルと思しきOurtime Musicからの本作、繊細なディープ・ハウスのタイトル曲A1と、幻想的なアンビエントのイントロから展開していくディープ・テクノ~エレクトロのB1が絶品!
A1 Moments
B1 Fall
B2 IAM Pro
Ourtime Music has proven itself to deal in the more sophisticated end of the deep tech spectrum today and D Ball fits that MO perfectly here. His Moments EP opens with elegant depths, meaningful keys, and dreamy chords over an icy minimal rhythm. 'Fall' then explores a world of airy broken beats and more gently twisted synths that hang above the dancefloor. Things get flipped for the final cut, 'Iam Pro', which is a mental techno workout with frosty textures and intense modulations tying your mind in knots.