Earls BOOOM!!! – Earls BOOOM!!! Edits Vol. 3

Booom!!! Edits (UK)SKU: BOOM003

販売価格¥3,320 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
RuffRuff App RuffRuff App by Tsun


Chesus(Local Talk/4 Lux/Ruff Draft/Beer)やEarl Jeffers(MCDE/Ten Thousand Yen/Melange)等の名義でリリースしているウェールズ出身のアーティストChe AhmedがEarls BOOOM!!!名義で12インチをドロップ!過去作も好評だったこの名義、今回もホワイト盤とは思えない質感の高いR&B系女性ヴォーカル・ハウスやエモーショナルなインスト・ハウスを収録!これは要チェック!

A1. NEP-1
A2. NEP-2
B1. NEP-3
B2. NEP-4


Here comes the Booom!!! Edits label with another sublime selection of deep house burners. This third volume is from the artist who goes by the name of Earls Booom!!! Edits takes the form of four cuts titled 'NEP.' Th opener is awash with smoky pads and sombre chords over a mid-tempo and dusty groove, but things pick up on the second cut with its gorgeous r&b vocals swirling over warm and humid bass and drums as cosmic synth lines rise out of the mix. On the flip, there is a congo-heavy rhythm topped with a deft little r&b hook nice more and the closer brings more pumping grooves but still with a big heart. These are steamy backroom sounds of the highest order.

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