Keita Sano – Love Is Emotion EP

販売価格¥3,090 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
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世界レベルで活躍する日本人エレクトロニック・ミュージック・プロデューサーKeita Sanoがロンドンの人気レーベルDelusions Of Grandeurからリリース!根深く歪んだアシッド・サウンドとディスコなグルーヴが癖になる、ヒプノティックでサイケデリック感強めの一枚。 (MIYUU)

Keita SanoがDelusions Of Grandeurから登場。EP『Love Is Emotion』は、彼のダークで歪んだアシッドテクスチャーとクランチーなディスコビートが炸裂する必聴の一枚。

タイトル曲「Love Is Emotion」は、重厚なビートとベースラインで進む疾走感あふれるトラック。トリップ感のあるFXがドラマを生み出し、左寄りのダンスフロアを圧倒する。


「I’m A Man」は、アシッドサウンド全開のトラックで、歪んだFXがディスコグルーヴを狂騒的に彩る。秘密兵器級のDJツール。

ラストの「Love Is Emotion (Reprise)」**は、メロディックなアルペジオとオフキルターなサウンドが絡み合い、ダークでディープな世界を締めくくる。


A1. Runner
A2. Violet
B1. I'm A Man
B2. Love Is Emotion


Keita Sano is a prolific Japanese producer who has released on revered labels such as Mister Saturday Night, Lets Play House, Morris Audio and 1080P. His fusion of dark, distorted, acidic textures and crunchy disco beats gives his produc tions a unique sound which works perfectly for Delusions Of Grandeur and the label is proud to welcome him for his debut DOG EP entitled Love Is Emotion. The title track comes on like a proverbial runaway train with heavy, pounding beats and bassline forging things ahead while the most twisted, tripped out FX rise and fall creating an absolute juggernaut of a track which takes no prisoners. A decept ively simple DJ tool which is loaded with drama for maximum impact on the more left of centre dance floors. Up next we have Violet which takes a low-slung deep house approach but with the grit and dirt that Keita always brings to the party. The first half of the track teases with tension-building chords and syncopated bassline which bounces around a massive four on the floor kick drum. Things fall away in the middle of the track to reveal a beautiful, heartwarming piano part, setting the scene before things get truly epic with orchestral strings bringing a touch of the film noir to proceedings. I’m A Man picks up the pace again for an intense acid work out which pushes the sonic boundaries to the limits with seriously warped FX creating mayhem around a simple, percussive disco groove. As secret weapon DJ tools go, this is right up there. Closing out this mind-bending release Keita remains in experimental mode on Love Is Emotion offsetting melodic arpeggios and sweet chords with off-kilter sonic madness ensuring things remain dark, dirty and deep.

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