Norm Talley – Cosmic Waves

PariterSKU: PRTR09C

販売価格¥2,940 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
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【人気盤再プレス!】即戦力ミニマル・ディープ・ハウス!Track ModeやSushitech、Third Ear Recordingsなどからのリリースで知られ、KDJやTHEOとも肩を並べるデトロイト・ディープ・ハウスのベテランNORM TALLEYの名作『COSMIC WAVES』が祝復刻!B面にはDelano SmithとXDBによるリミックスを収録!

A1 Cosmic Waves 10:50
B1 Cosmic Waves (Delano Smith Remix) 7:02
B2 Cosmic Waves (XDB Remix) 5:35


Detroit house purveyor Norm Talley has been particularly busy over the past few years, pushing a brand of deep and hypnotic grooves that keeps dancefloors happy. His 2010 track 'Cosmic Waves' is now an evergreen bit of club tackle - "a crisp drum machine bump, teasing strings and dubbed out melodics precision built for maximum immersion" we reckoned last time round and we wouldn't disagree. Remixes from Delano Smith and XDB make this reissue one to catch.

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