O’Donel Levy - Simba


販売価格¥4,980 JPY
Condition : New
Format : LP
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Mr Bongoの新しい再発シリーズから、O'Donel Levyのファンク・ソウルジャズアルバム『Simba』が登場。1973年にSonny Lesterがプロデュースしたこのアルバムには、伝説のドラマーSteve GaddやフリューゲルホーンのCecil Bridgewaterなどが参加し、タイトで力強いリズムが特徴です。特に『Bad, Bad, Simba』は70年代の映画サウンドトラックを彷彿とさせ、Levyのギタープレイは輝かしくGaddのドラムと完璧に調和しています。シネマティックな雰囲気が全編にわたって流れ、『Sierra Lonely』や『Sad, Sad, Simba』といったバラードも見事です。『Simba』は、後のヒップホップに影響を与える一枚で、クールなグルーヴ感が満載のアルバムです。

A1. Bad, Bad, Simba
A2. Kilimanjaro Cookout
A3. Playhouse
A4. Sierra Lonely
B1. Sad, Sad, Simba
B2. Joni
B3. Nigerian Knights


Proudly presenting a new series of Mr Bongo reissues exploring the incredible back catalogue of Sonny Lester’s iconic Groove Merchant record label. First up, the spellbinding funk-fuelled, soul jazz album ‘Simba’, by guitar maestro O'Donel Levy.

Baltimore-born, Levy was already well regarded as one of the best up-and-coming jazz guitarists at the time of Simba’s release. Having toured with George Benson and Jimmy McGriff, as well as featuring on McGriff’s Black Pearl album on Blue Note, he went on to sign with Sonny Lester’s Groove Merchant. Produced by Lester himself and recorded over two back-to-back days of sessions in 1973, Simba features a who's who of ‘70s session players. The album features the legendary studio drummer Steve Gadd, Cecil Bridgewater on Flugelhorn, bass by Tony Levin and arrangements by Manny Albam.

A masterclass in tight yet effortlessly funk-driven rhythms, the tracks showcase these musicians at their zenith. Album opener 'Bad, Bad, Simba' wouldn’t have been out of place on a Lalo Schifrin ‘70s car chase soundtrack. Levy's playing is brilliant, bright and slick, with an infectiously exuberant energy that is complimented perfectly by Gadd's supreme drumming. ‘Playhouse' serves up another vibrant offering, Wah Wah guitars, horns and flutes duelling it out in a fast-paced fashion.

The cinematic thread continues throughout, yet with the tempo taken down a notch. 'Sierra Lonely' and ‘Sad, Sad, Simba’ head into lush ballad territory, with superb arrangements by Albam and beautiful playing by Collins and Bridgewater on Flugelhorn. Here Levy shines without taking any limelight, as the players synergize to a relaxed perfection. ‘Nigerian Knights’ closes the album flawlessly, showcasing once more Levy’s understated yet magnetic flow on the guitar.

Every track on ‘Simba’ is a winner. As with CTI Recordings of the same era, the feel and textures of Sonny Lester's productions have that pre-emptive, hip-hop aesthetic, which later producers would rework and reimagine. This album is expertly balanced, deftly arranged and magically executed, ebbing and flowing with a cool buoyancy that just grooves and grooves.

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