フランスはマルセイユを拠点とするレーベルRavanelli Disco Clubから、注目デュオPalavasがアルバムからのリミックス12インチをリリース!リミキサーにはJimpster、DJ Rocca、Jkriv、Dicky Triscoといった豪華な面子が参加!ディスコ、ハウス系DJは要チェック!
A1. One Night Is Not Enough (Jimpster Remix)
A2. You Can't Get Away (Musumeci Remix)
A3. We Are Strong Enough (DJ Rocca Remix)
B1. Chevauchée Fantastique (JKriv Remix)
B2. Get Up (Dicky Trisco Remix)
Ravanelli Disco Club is back with its 14th release in the shape of a remix sampler !
Following last year’s debut album of Palavas, here they are back with the first remix sampler of the series including Jimpster, JKriv, Dj Rocca, Dicky Trisco, Musumeci whose remix is getting played by all the big guns such as Solomun, Dixon, Ame, Trikk, Jimi Jules and many more .