Sevil & Ayla – Bebek / Irgat

Zel Zele (UK)SKU: ZEL11

販売価格¥3,490 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 7 inch
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Anatolian Rockの先駆者Barış Mançoが作詞・作曲・編曲を手がけ、彼の伝説的なバンドKurtalan Ekspresがバックを務めた名盤「Bebek / Irgat」。YeşilçamのスターSevil & Aylaが黄金時代に歌ったこの楽曲は、トルコのフォークとサイケデリック・ミュージックの真髄を体現し、レコード収集家たちの間で長らく求められてきた一枚。  

A面「Bebek」は、Led Zeppelinの「Whole Lotta Love」を彷彿とさせるグルーヴィーなストリングスとベースが印象的。狂気の母親が赤子を鷲に奪われる悲劇を語るSevil & Aylaのヴォーカルが、楽曲に深い陰影を与える。一方、B面「Irgat」は軽快なライダーのグルーヴとキーボード・ソロが魅力で、ダンスフロアを熱狂させること間違いなし。  



A1. Bebek
B1. Irgat


First ever reissue of a rare Turkish cult psych/folk classic from 1974. Tip!

Zel Zele is extremely proud to present the first-ever reissue of a cult classic from 1974, written, produced, and arranged by Anatolian rock pioneer Barış Manço, backed by his legendary Kurtalan Ekspres band. Sevil & Ayla’s Bebek / Irgat is a highly sought-after Turkish folk and psychedelic single, sung by Yeşilçam stars Sevil & Ayla during the golden era of Anatolian Rock music.

A-side Bebek hardly needs an introduction, being a rare gem among crate diggers and beat enthusiasts. The track’s strings and bass are a nod to the iconic groove of Led Zeppelin’s Whole Lotta Love, creating instant recognition. Sevil and Ayla’s haunting vocals add a moody twist, narrating the tragic tale of a crazed mother over losing her baby to an eagle. On the B-side, Irgat is an underrated rider’s groove with an incredible break and keyboard solo, perfect for keeping the dance floor swinging.


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