Various – BODO-ACE VA 002

Bobby Donny AceSKU: BODOACEVA002

販売価格¥2,950 JPY
Condition : New
Format : 12 inch
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アムステルダムのDJ/プロデューサーFrits Wentink(Dekmantel/Wolf Music/Royal Oak)が主宰するレーベルBobby Donny AceからのEP!Frits Wentink自身と同郷のMalin Genieとのコラボ曲2曲に加え、フレッシュな面々による4曲を加えた計6曲を収録!今すぐ使えるディープ・ハウス、ディープ・テック・ハウス系の1枚です!

A1. Frits Wentink, Malin Genie – Teardrop Renaissance
A2. Frits Wentink, Malin Genie – Atricot
A3. Tom Paris – L’Enfer Du Paradis
B1. Didier Chesto – Ow Yeah
B2. Boy Berger – Nexus Fusion
B3. Joy Jenkins – Flowers


Frits Wentink’s Bobby Donny Label returns once more for the second BODO-ACE VA release, featuring both familiar and new faces across a six track EP of previously digital only releases. Frits and friends continue to showcase the unique and impeccable sound of Bobby Donny. After the success of the first VA, this won’t be around for long, so buy or cry.

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