As One – Reflections (30th Anniversary Edition)

Lapsus Records (ESP)SKU: LPS-PS15

Sale price¥5,060 JPY
Condition : New
Format: 2LP
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1994年にUKのNew Electronicaレーベルからリリースされたこのテクノ歴史的名作が30周年記念で復刻!Kirk DegiorgioによるAs One名義の作品で、彼の卓越したセンスが光り、ジャズやソウルの要素が絶妙に織り交ぜられている。特に「Shambala」や「Amalia」等のトラックは、幻想的なサウンドスケープを描き出し、聴く者を深い感動に包み込む。


イギリスでは多くの若者が北米からのエレクトロを拒絶していた一方で、Kirk DegiorgioはAs Oneの名義でそれを受け入れ、自身のプロダクションに取り入れた。彼は幼少期から愛していたジャズ、ソウル、ファンクなどの影響も組み合わせ、イギリスでのデトロイト・テクノのアーリー・アダプターの一人となった。


30年後、Lapsus RecordsはオリジナルのDATから抽出されたプリマスターにアクセスし、Perennialシリーズの一環として特別な30周年記念版を制作。この再発盤には初版に収録されたトラックだけでなく、これまでにレコードでリリースされたことのない『The Priestess』や、1992年の『Reflections』録音セッションから再発見された未発表曲『Forgotten Memory』も追加されている。このアルバムは、レイヴ運動の爆発と共存しながらも、UKとデトロイトの繋がりを築く道を切り開いた決定版だ。

A1. Mihara
A2. Meridian
A3. Orchilla
B1. Shambala
B2. Dance Of The Uighurs
B3. Star Gaze
C1. Majik Jar
C2. Forgotten Memory
C3. The Priestess
C4. Soleil Levant
D1. Lunate
D2. Asa Nisi Masa
D3. Moon Over The Moab

Although 30 years after its birth this fundamental electronic gem called 'Reflections' has achieved cult status, it is worth remembering that it all started in 1993 in a small apartment in Waterloo, London, with the help of a mixer and a bunch of hardware synth and drum machines of hardware, with the mastodontic Oberheim OB-8 synthesizer as the main partner.

While in the UK the vast majority of kids showed a certain rejection of what came from North America in the form of electro, Kirk Degiorgio, under his alias As One, embraced it openly and incorporated it into his productions along with influences from other genres that he had already adored since he was young, such as jazz, soul or funk, thus becoming one of the true early adopters of Detroit techno in the UK.

If we look back, 'Reflections' is a challenge in itself, and even more so considering what the consumption pattern of electronic music was in the early 90s. This timeless album fits into the delicate border between being enough club to work on the dance floor, and still being musical and cerebral enough to be listened to at home. A milestone that, whether premeditated or not, Degiorgio more than achieved.

Three decades later Lapsus Records has been able to access the pre-masters extracted from the original DATs to build a special 30th anniversary edition within its Perennial series. For the occasion, this reissue not only offers the tracks included in the first edition, it also adds the songs 'The Priestess' –never released on vinyl before– and Forgotten Memory –until now unreleased and rediscovered in one of the DATs dating back to 1992 from the 'Reflexions' recording sessions. We are therefore facing the definitive edition of an album that, despite coexisting with the explosion of the rave movement, would pave the path for the UK-Detroit connection.

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