気分を変える一曲として、このトラックは間違いなくトップクラス。昨年、スイスの雪山に囲まれたShapes FestivalでDJ micheがプレイしていたとき、壮大で少し不気味だったアルプスの空が一瞬にしてポストカードのような光景に変わった。雲が割れ、ダブルレインボーが現れたその瞬間、彼がStudio RioによるBill Withersの名曲『Lovely Day』のボサノヴァリメイクを流し、ダンスフロアの空気は一気に幸福感に満ちたものへと変わった。
Mr Bongoが今回再発するのは、Studio Rioの2014年のアルバム『The Brazil Connection』に収録されたこの素晴らしいボサノヴァ解釈の『Lovely Day』。ドイツ出身でグラミー賞受賞歴を持つBerman Brothersが手掛けたこのプロジェクトは、彼らのブラジル音楽への深い愛情から生まれたものだ。「もし、これらのクラシックソングがリオデジャネイロのスタジオで、ブラジルの最高のミュージシャンやアレンジャーとともに録音されていたら、どうなっていただろう?」という発想からスタート。
2013年にリオに渡り、偶然の巡り合わせで彼らの憧れであるMarcos ValleやRoberto Menescalと出会い、プロジェクトへの参加を快諾される。また、Tom Jobimと共に録音した伝説のミュージシャンたちにも声をかけ、50年前のボサノヴァの精神を再現するべくPaulo Bragaを含むリズムセクションが集結。この奇跡的なプロジェクトが形になった。
オリジナルの『Lovely Day』は、史上最も幸福感に満ちたアンセムとして不動の地位を誇る。このリメイクでは、Bill Withersのヴォーカルを活かしつつ、ブラジルの一流ミュージシャンたちが、ジョイフルなホーン、跳ねるようなダブルベース、Pretinho da Serrinhaによる陽気なカヴァキーニョの響きを加え、太陽のようなボサノヴァグルーヴを作り上げた。アレンジを手掛けたのは、Gal CostaやGilberto Gil、Caetano Velosoといった大物たちと仕事をしてきたTorcuato Mariano。
A1. Lovely Day (Studio Rio version)
B1. Lovely Day (Studio Rio instrumental version)
As mood changers go, this track is up there with the best. Last year whilst DJing with miche at Shapes festival in the snow-capped mountains of Switzerland, a breathtaking yet ominous Alpine sky suddenly became a picture postcard moment. The clouds parted and a double rainbow formed, as miche dropped Studio Rio's bossa nova remake of Bill Withers’ all-time classic 'Lovely Day'. From there, the dancefloor shifted gears and morphed into full-swing feel-good vibes, in a beautiful, spontaneous moment nobody could have planned for.
Mr Bongo now proudly presents a reissue of this brilliant, bossa-channelling Bill Withers reinterpretation from Studio Rio’s 2014 release ‘The Brazil Connection’. Masterminded by the German, Grammy award-winning Berman Brothers, the project was born out of their deep love of Brazilian music. “Our goal was to bring the Brazilian joie de vivre to iconic performances by well-known artists. What would these classic songs sound like had they been recorded in the studios of Rio de Janeiro in the first place, with the best Brazilian musicians and arrangers?” the brothers reflect.
Capturing the life force of Brazil, the beating heart that is its music, they set out to find the musicians who would fit best with their concept. Landing in Rio in 2013 a series of coincidences led to them being introduced to their idols Marcos Valle and Roberto Menescal, who both agreed to come on board. The Berman Brothers also wanted to find some of the musicians who recorded with one of Brazil’s most influential composers Tom Jobim. “Fifty years after Jobim made the music that really defines bossa nova, we found that many of his sidemen were still active, including Paulo Braga of Jobim’s famed rhythm section. It was magic; everything just fell into place.”
There's no question that the original of ‘Lovely Day’ is up there as one of the most feel-good, spirit-lifting anthems of all time. Here the brothers, with the help of a whole host of Brazil’s finest musicians, rework Bill’s soul-fuelled groove into a bossa nova slice of sunshine. With the blessing of Bill and Sony, they were given access to the original multitracks so they could incorporate Bill’s vocals perfectly into the new arrangement.
Joy-injected horns and bouncing double bass blend with the smile-inducing samba flavour of Pretinho da Serrinha’s cavaquinho playing. Tying it all together Torcuato Marinao who worked with the likes of Gal Costa, Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso, completes the line-up as arranger of the songs.
The perfect end-of-the-night track, mood lifter or soul warmer, remakes don’t get much better than this.